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Google Ads That Drive Instant Traffic & Leads

We help small businesses boost visibility overnight with highly converting Google Ads campaigns and effective PPC management.

“The BestLyfe Group has been a great addition to our business. There is so much value in having a talented team to lean on.” – Marcus S.

Google Ads

Why Your Google Ads Campaign is More Painful Than a Toothache (and How to Fix It)

Running Google Ads campaigns can feel like a relentless uphill battle. You pour money into the system, only to see clicks that don’t convert and budgets that vanish faster than a donut in the break room.

For small business owners, it’s even worse—every dollar counts, and the pressure to make ads work can be overwhelming.

Here’s why your Google Ads campaign and PPC management might be causing more headaches than high school algebra:

Poor Data Tracking = Vague Results

You’re spending big bucks on ads, but your campaigns show nothing in return. Despite your investment, the ROI (Return on Investment) looks more like a black hole, but the reality is, that they may be performing, you just can’t quantify it. This can be incredibly discouraging and leave you feeling overwhelmed with whether it’s worth the investment or not.

Targeting Troubles

Without precise targeting, your ads are showing up to the wrong audience. Ineffective targeting means your ads aren’t reaching potential customers who are actually interested in your products or services. This mismatch leads to wasted ad spend and missed opportunities.

Competition’s Crushing You

Big players with deep pockets dominate the space. Competing against them can feel impossible, as your ads get outbid, overshadowed, and ignored. Without a strategic approach, it’s tough to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Lack of Expertise

Navigating Google Ads without expert knowledge is like trying to pilot a plane without training. The platform’s complexity requires a deep understanding of keywords, bids, and analytics. Without this expertise, you’re likely to make costly mistakes and see subpar performance.

Ad Fatigue

Running the same ads repeatedly leads to audience fatigue. Engagement drops, and soon your ads become ineffective. Fresh, engaging content is essential to keep your audience interested and to drive conversions.

Small business owners deserve better than this chaos.

It’s time to overhaul your approach, craft effective campaigns, and turn those Google Ads into a well-oiled revenue machine with our expert PPC management.

With the right strategy and expertise, you can transform your ads from a source of frustration to a powerful tool for business growth.

Let’s get your ads out of the pain zone and into the profit zone.


At BestLyfe Group, we understand the frustrations of running Google Ads campaigns that drain your budget without delivering results.

That’s why our approach is radically different. We combine highly effective Google Ads strategies with expert PPC management to maximize your return on investment.

We’ve developed a proven process to ensure your ads not only reach the right audience but also convert into real business growth.

Here’s how we do it:

Data Tracking Done Right

Before we even launch a campaign, we ensure that data tracking is set up correctly. Without accurate data, you’re flying blind. We implement robust tracking systems so we can measure every click, conversion, and dollar spent with precision. This data-driven approach allows us to make informed decisions and optimize your campaigns effectively.

Conversion-Optimized Landing Pages

Sending traffic to a poorly designed website or landing page is like pouring water into a leaky bucket. We make sure your ads are directed to high-converting landing pages that are designed to capture leads and drive sales. This way, every click has the potential to turn into revenue. In fact, if your website is whack and you won’t invest in upgrading it to convert, we won’t run your ads. We’re that serious…

Split Testing and Continuous Optimization

We don’t just set up your ads and forget them. We conduct rigorous split testing to determine which ads perform best. By constantly analyzing performance and making data-driven adjustments, we ensure your campaigns are always improving and delivering better results.

Routine Ad Refreshes

Ad fatigue is real, and running the same ads over and over can cause your audience to lose interest. To keep your audience engaged, we routinely create new ads with fresh, compelling content. This keeps your campaigns dynamic and effective, ensuring your message stays relevant and appealing.

Engaging and Targeted Messaging

Our team crafts engaging ad copy and visuals that resonate with your target audience. We focus on what makes your business unique, highlighting your strengths and value propositions to stand out from the competition.

By partnering with BestLyfe Group, you’re not just getting a service provider—you’re getting a dedicated team committed to your success. As a leading PPC Agency, we combine strategic planning, expert execution, and continuous improvement to turn your Google Ads from a source of frustration into a powerful engine for growth with our expert PPC management.

Let us take the headache out of advertising and help you achieve the results you’ve always dreamed of.

Top 3 Reasons Your Small Business Needs Google Ads

Immediate Visibility and Traffic

Google Ads puts your business at the top of search results instantly, driving immediate traffic to your website and increasing your online presence.

Targeted Reach

With Google Ads, you can precisely target your ideal customers based on demographics, interests, and search behavior, ensuring your ads reach the right audience at the right time.

Measurable ROI

Every click, conversion, and dollar spent is trackable with Google Ads, providing clear insights into your campaign performance and allowing for continuous optimization to maximize your return on investment.

Real Google Ads Results That Have Helped Small Businesses Soar

At BestLyfe Group, we don’t just run Google Ads campaigns; we create success stories with our expert PPC management.

Our clients have experienced transformative growth, skyrocketing their revenue and expanding their market reach.

From doubling lead generation to tripling sales, our strategic approach to Google Ads management delivers exceptional results.

By leveraging data-driven tactics, crafting compelling ad copy, and continuously optimizing for performance, we’ve helped countless businesses turn their advertising budget into substantial returns.

Join our 100s of satisfied clients and discover how BestLyfe Group can elevate your business to new heights with Google Ads and effective PPC management.

Introducing Our

Secret Formula to
Doubling Your Business

Imagine doubling your business in just 12 months. Sounds too good to be true? With the BLG 25% Rule, it’s not just possible—it’s predictable.

At BestLyfe Group, we’ve crafted a powerful formula for growth: increase your traffic by 25%, boost your conversions by 25%, and raise the lifetime value or average ticket of each customer by 25%. This strategic combination has the potential to transform your business and elevate your success to new heights.

But don’t just take our word for it—see for yourself!

Use our interactive calculator to plug in your current numbers and witness the potential impact of the BLG 25% Rule on your business.

Take the first step towards unprecedented growth and let us show you how doubling your business in 12 months is within reach.

Here’s How It Works:

Increase Traffic

More traffic means more potential customers. Our targeted strategies ensure that the right people are visiting your website, leading to a significant increase in high-quality leads.

Boost Conversions

It’s not just about getting more visitors; it’s about turning them into paying customers. With optimized lead generation and a seamless customer journey, we’ll help you convert more prospects into loyal clients.

Raise Lifetime Value

The secret to sustainable growth lies in maximizing the value of each customer. By implementing smart upselling techniques and potentially increasing pricing, we’ll increase the average ticket size and customer lifetime value.

The BestLyfe Group Approach

Every step requires dedicated time, focus, and meticulous attention. Let’s be real—ignoring or half-heartedly approaching any of these will put you at a significant disadvantage against a competitor who takes them seriously. And let’s face it, if you’re this far down the page, you’re intrigued. 😉


We start by understanding your brand’s core values, mission, and unique selling points. This forms the bedrock of all our marketing efforts. We also dive deep into customer analysis to identify and understand your ideal customers.

Who are they? What do they need? How do they make decisions? By answering these questions, we ensure that every marketing move we make resonates with your target audience.

Lead and Customer Journey Optimization

Next, we focus on optimizing the journey your customers take from discovering your brand to becoming loyal advocates. This involves refining your website’s user experience, streamlining lead capture processes, and automating follow-ups to ensure no potential customer falls through the cracks. We make sure every touchpoint is smooth, engaging, and effective.


To grow your business, you need a steady stream of visitors. We employ a balanced mix of paid advertising and organic strategies to drive traffic to your site.

Our paid strategies include targeted ads on platforms where your audience spends their time, while our organic efforts focus on SEO, content marketing, and social media engagement to attract and retain visitors naturally.

Optimization and Scaling

Once the foundation is set and traffic is flowing, we continuously monitor and optimize all aspects of your marketing efforts. This includes A/B testing, performance analysis, and making data-driven adjustments to improve results. Our comprehensive Google Ads Management services ensure that your campaigns are always performing at their best.

As we fine-tune what works best, we help you scale these efforts to drive even greater growth and success. By leveraging our expertise as a PPC Agency, we ensure that every aspect of your advertising strategy is optimized for maximum return on investment.

Atlanta Marketing Agency

Client Success in Numbers

We don’t like to brag (okay, maybe just a little), but the numbers speak for themselves. Our clients are living their BestLyfe, and here’s why:


Average Return On Investment


In Client Returns


Phone Calls for Clients

If You Work With Us You Will Grow

Ryan Miller | PlayGround Games

Ryan Miller, owner of PlayGround Games in Chicago, shares his firsthand experience with BestLyfe Group as a Premier Partner. Through Ryan's membership he received custom website development, SEO, paid Ads management through Google and Facebook, reputation management services with automated Google review requests, on-site operational training, access to the BestLyfe Group Mastermind Summit, and much more.

Billy F. | B & L Enterprises

When we first met B & L Enterprises, they were chugging along at $600,000 in annual revenue but had their sights set on the elusive $1,000,000 mark. The problem? They had no idea how to bridge that gap. Enter BestLyfe Group, stage left. We whipped up a marketing plan so robust it could bench press a truck: revamped their website, improved their offer, did some SEO magic, created money-minting Google Ads, and ran Facebook retargeting campaigns like pros.

With our strategy in place, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work. We helped Billy and his team carve out clear job roles, understand their numbers like a tax-season accountant, set KPIs that actually meant something, and mapped out quarterly growth plans.

Fast forward three years, and B & L Enterprises didn’t just hit $1,000,000—they soared to $2,000,000. Billy? He’s now the proud owner of a stress-free, thriving business. More family time, more vacations, and he’s finally enjoying the fruits of all that hard work. Because, let’s face it, what’s the point of success if you can’t kick back and relax?

Ismael C. | PW630

Ismael with PW630 was stuck in a rut: He wanted to double his revenue, boost profitability, and stop spending his life commuting 1.5 hours each way to the office. Burned out from being too involved in an overcomplicated business, he barely saw his kids, and even when he did, he was glued to his work. Despite having the inventory and market potential, he couldn’t get past $350,000.

Enter BestLyfe Group, the business saviors. We took over their marketing—website, SEO, Google, and Facebook ads—updated their offer and pricing, and provided a streamlined operational blueprint. One of our genius moves was offering free delivery while increasing prices across the board, ensuring they didn’t lose out on profit. This trick not only boosted online conversion rates but also concentrated orders in targeted areas.

Streamlining the inventory simplified training for his small team, meaning Ismael didn’t have to schlep to the office 1.5 hours away. The result? In just one year, his company soared to nearly $700,000. Ismael took four family vacations, and at one point, didn’t step into the office for 40 days because it was running smoothly without him. He bought back his time, doubled his revenue, and stopped losing money with every sale. Shifting focus to a new target customer transformed his business completely.

Now, Ismael is not just a businessman—he’s a family man who actually enjoys the fruits of his labor. And isn’t that the dream?

Adam N. | Southern Stoneworks

Adam from Southern Stoneworks wanted to boost revenue by 200% and fatten up his profit margins. The hitch? They were one of 30 countertop fabricators in the area, not to mention the big box retailers hogging the spotlight. Plus, Adam was already busy running another full-service construction company and couldn’t dedicate all his time to this business.

So, we swooped in with a plan. We took over their marketing—website, SEO, Google, and Facebook ads—updated their offer, developed a killer USP, and streamlined their online quote request process so customers could book without talking to anyone. We crafted a USP that made competitors look like yesterday’s news, created engaging videos of Adam highlighting the Southern Stoneworks difference, and made online booking a breeze.

The result? They increased lead generation by a whopping 400% and revenue shot up by 220% in just one year. Now, they’ve got money in the bank, are paying off their initial capital investor, and are more profitable than ever. Adam can focus on his construction company without worrying about Southern Stoneworks, which is now a well-oiled, money-making machine.

Our Commitment to Excellence and Trust

Mutually-Beneficial Relationships

As a business owner, you know the importance of building strong, reliable relationships—yet finding partners who truly understand your vision can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. At BestLyfe Group, we’re all about creating meaningful connections and partnerships that are a win-win-win. A win for you, ensuring your goals and needs are met with precision and care. A win for those you serve, as our collaborative efforts enhance the value you deliver to your clients. And a win for our team at BLG, as we thrive on fostering successful, mutually beneficial relationships. With us, you gain a partner who is as invested in your success as you are.

Commitment and Accountability

We know that as a business owner, the frustration of unmet expectations and misaligned goals can be overwhelming. That’s why our core value of Commitment and Accountability ensures that we don’t just set goals; we make sure our efforts are directly in sync with your vision and standards. We take the time to truly understand your needs, setting clear, achievable objectives that align with your business aspirations. This means you get results that not only meet but exceed your expectations. Our dedicated approach ensures that your goals become our goals, giving you the confidence that your business is in capable, reliable hands.

Learning and Development

We know that as a business owner, you’re constantly bombarded with challenges and the pressure to stay ahead of the competition can feel relentless. That’s why our commitment to Learning and Development is your secret weapon. We bring you the most innovative and effective solutions, designed to tackle your toughest problems head-on. Our dedication to continuous improvement and staying at the forefront of industry trends means we’re always one step ahead, so you can be too. By constantly expanding our knowledge and skills, we offer cutting-edge strategies and technologies that drive your success, ensuring you’re not just surviving, but thriving in an ever-evolving marketplace.

Excellence in All We Do

We understand the sleepless nights and relentless stress that come with running a business. You’re juggling endless responsibilities, and the pressure to meet high standards can be overwhelming. That’s why our core value, Excellence in all we do, is more than just a slogan—it’s a promise. We provide services that consistently meet and exceed your exacting standards, without compromise. We know you can’t afford to settle for anything less than the best, and we’re here to ensure you don’t have to. Our meticulous attention to detail and relentless pursuit of quality mean you can finally breathe easier, knowing your business is in expert hands. We’re committed to delivering outstanding results, so you can focus on what you do best: growing your business.

Performance Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Every customer gets a positive return on their investment. If we don’t deliver, you don’t pay. That’s it!

No client (past or present) has ever walked away without seeing a return on their investment.

You Have a Choice  To Make

Running a business is tough, and it’s easy to feel stuck. You have two paths ahead: one leads to growth and balance, the other keeps you in the same stressful cycle. Which will you choose?



Investment Starts At:

$1,000 / mo

What You’ll Get:

  • Build a Magnetic Brand and Get to Know Your Ideal Customer.
  • Streamline and Enhance Customer Experience for More Conversions.
  • Drive More Qualified Leads and Revenue.
  • Ongoing Optimizations and New Campaigns For Consistent New Leads.

If you’re serious about growth, pick this one 😉

Apply Now & Get Started Today

Let's Connect


Stay Where You Are

Investment Starts At:

Time, Sanity, Stress, & Wasted Opportunity

What You’ll Face:

  • Continued frustration and burnout from handling everything alone.
  • Inconsistent branding and ineffective marketing efforts.
  • Missed chances to grow your business.
  • Ongoing stress, uncertainty, and not fulfilling your business’s potential.

If you choose this option, at the very least…


Find A Therapist

We won’t pressure you…

Your Business. Your Goals. Your Choice. What's Next?


Never Worry About Sustainable Growth Again



Initial Discovery

We’ll start with a relaxed conversation to get to know your business, your personal goals, and the challenges you’re facing. This helps us understand where you’re coming from and what you want to achieve.

Deep Dive Analysis

Next, we’ll take a close look at your brand, your ideal customers, and your current marketing efforts. We’ll figure out what’s working, what’s not, and where there’s room to grow.

Tailored Strategy Presentation

Then, after consulting with our team we’ll walk you through our recommendations, showing you exactly how we’ll tackle your specific needs and help your business thrive.

Pricing, Expected ROI, & Decision Making Support

Finally, we’ll lay out a clear plan for putting everything into action. We’ll answer all your questions and talk through the next steps, timelines, and how we’ll work together to reach your goals. You’ll have everything you need to make an informed decision.


How much will Google Ads cost?

At BestLyfe Group, we get it—budgeting for Google Ads can feel like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Our pricing is transparent and tailored to your specific needs. We’ll work with you to set a budget that aligns with your goals and ensures every dollar is well spent. Our fees depend on the scope of your campaigns and the services you need, from ad creation to management and optimization. Think of it as an investment in a money-making machine, where every dollar is geared towards delivering significant results without unnecessary expenditure.

How soon can I expect results with Google Ads?

We know you’re eager to see your investment pay off—who wouldn’t be? While you might notice some initial improvements like increased website traffic within the first few weeks, substantial results such as higher conversion rates and revenue growth typically take a few months of fine-tuning. We’re in it for the long haul, continually optimizing and split-testing to ensure you see real, lasting improvements. At BestLyfe Group, we set realistic expectations and keep you in the loop with regular updates on your campaign’s progress.

How will you track and report performance of my Google Ads?

Imagine driving a car with no dashboard—terrifying, right? That’s what it’s like running ads without proper tracking. At BestLyfe Group, we use advanced tracking tools to monitor every click, conversion, and dollar spent. Our reports are comprehensive yet easy to understand, highlighting the key metrics and insights you care about. You’ll receive regular updates and have access to real-time data through our transparent reporting system. We ensure you’re never in the dark about how your campaigns are performing.

What makes your Google Ads Agency different?

Why choose BestLyfe Group over the sea of other agencies? Well, for starters, we’re not just about running ads; we’re about creating success stories. Our approach is wholistic (yes, with a W) and tailored to your unique needs. We start by ensuring accurate data tracking, then optimize your website or landing pages for maximum conversions. Our strategy includes continuous split testing and routine ad refreshes to keep your audience engaged. Plus, we pride ourselves on our transparent relationship practices and cutting-edge tracking software. And here’s the kicker: if your investment isn’t ROI positive, you don’t pay. Our track record of success speaks for itself—our clients experience significant growth, increased profitability, and more time to focus on what they love.