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Dominate Page 1 With SEO That Delivers

The best SEO agency in Atlanta: Unlock the full potential of your business with our expert SEO strategies, designed to increase visibility, drive organic traffic, and boost your bottom line.

“They have single-handedly been the main reason our new company has seen such significant growth in its first two years.” – Adam N.




SEO campaigns can often feel like a shot in the dark, especially when the results are nowhere to be seen. For small business owners, ineffective SEO isn’t just an inconvenience—it’s a nightmare. Here are five painful points that make bad SEO campaigns truly exasperating:

Invisible Website Syndrome

Your website is so buried in search results that it might as well be in a witness protection program. Despite all your efforts, your page remains hidden from potential customers, making it nearly impossible to drive organic traffic and grow your business.

Keyword Confusion

Choosing the right keywords for an SEO strategy can feel like trying to decode ancient hieroglyphics. You think you’ve selected the perfect keywords, but your website traffic tells a different story. This misalignment can lead to wasted effort and missed opportunities.

The Slow Crawl

Watching your site’s ranking improve can be agonizingly slow. You’re doing everything right, but the results take time to manifest, leaving you questioning your strategy and wondering if you’re on the right track.

Content Creation Chaos

Crafting SEO-friendly content can be both painful and frustrating. You spend countless hours writing blog posts and articles, but they fail to attract the right audience. This can feel like preparing a gourmet meal only to have no one show up to eat it.

Analytics Overload

Making sense of SEO analytics can be bewildering. The data is there, but interpreting it feels like trying to read tea leaves. Without a clear understanding of what the numbers mean, you’re left scratching your head and unsure of how to proceed.

Small business owners deserve better than this.

With the right approach from an expert SEO agency, these woes can be transformed into success stories.Let’s turn those pain points into growth opportunities and get your business the visibility it deserves.


At BestLyfe Group, we redefine SEO with an approach that maximizes revenue and enhances user experience.

Our strategy as a marketing and SEO agency isn’t just about climbing search engine rankings—it’s about driving substantial growth for your business.

Here’s how we put the X in SEO:

Revenue-Driven Keyword Strategy

We don’t just pick keywords out of a hat. We take the time to understanding what makes your business the most money and then target keywords that drive in revenue. We attack those high-value keywords with precision, ensuring your SEO efforts directly contribute to your bottom line.

Technical Excellence

Before diving into content, we ensure your website is technically sound. We fix broken links, clean up meta tags, and optimize site structure. Think of it as a thorough tune-up for your site, making sure it’s running smoothly and efficiently to please both users and search engines.

Captivating Content and User Experience

We put the “X” in SEO by focusing on user experience and creating captivating content. Content is king, but only if it’s engaging. We craft content that keeps readers on your website longer, reducing bounce rates and satisfying Google’s ever-watchful eye. Whether it’s informative blog posts, engaging videos, or compelling product descriptions, our content strategy ensures visitors stick around and convert.

Robust Off-Page and Backlinking

As an expert agency, our SEO strategy doesn’t stop at your website. We build robust off-page SEO and backlinking campaigns, aligning your site with reputable, niche-related websites. This not only makes your site more credible, but also pushes you to the top of page 1, making you the go-to authority in your industry. As a leading SEO Agency in Atlanta, we ensure your business gets the visibility it deserves.

With BestLyfe Group, you’re not just getting an SEO service; you’re getting a dedicated SEO agency located in Atlanta committed to transforming your online presence and driving substantial growth.

Let us take your SEO from frustrating to fantastic, ensuring your business reaps the rewards of top-notch search engine optimization.

P.S. We’re not trying to be dirty, SXO is a real thing and you need both.

Top 3 Reasons Your Small Business Needs SEO

Boost Your Online Visibility

SEO is like a magic wand for your website, making it appear at the top of search engine results. Imagine your business as a star on the red carpet, getting all the attention. Increased visibility means more traffic, more leads, and ultimately, more sales. Who doesn't want a crowd of customers rolling out the red carpet for them?

Build Credibility and Trust

High-ranking websites are like the popular kids in high school—everyone trusts them. Effective SEO practices not only boost your ranking but also enhance your brand’s reputation. People are more likely to choose your business over competitors, thinking, "If Google likes you, so do we!"

Achieve Long-Term Success

Unlike paid ads that disappear faster than your paycheck after a night out, SEO provides long-lasting results. With consistent effort and optimization, your website can maintain high rankings and attract organic traffic over time. It’s like planting a money tree—nurture it, and it keeps giving.


At BestLyfe Group, as a marketing and SEO agency, we’ve transformed SEO from a source of frustration into goldmines of success for our clients.

Take Southern Stoneworks, for example. Before us, their website and content were like a gorgeous countertop in a dark, dingy basement—stunning but unseen.

After our expert overhaul, Southern Stoneworks’ online presence polished up, their customer base expanded, and they became the top choice for quality countertops in the overly saturated market.

And it’s not just Southern Stoneworks. We’ve helped 100s of businesses turn their lackluster online performance into high-performing success stories.

With our data-driven strategies, compelling content, and relentless optimization, our clients have seen traffic and engagement soar, sales increase, and a significant return on investment.

At BestLyfe Group, we put the X in SEO and make your site work as hard as you do. Our expertise as an SEO Agency in Atlanta has proven instrumental in driving results for numerous local businesses.

So, say goodbye to digital headaches and hello to your next success story!

Introducing Our

Secret Formula to
Doubling Your Business

Imagine doubling your business in just 12 months. Sounds too good to be true? With the BLG 25% Rule, it’s not just possible—it’s predictable.

At BestLyfe Group, we’ve crafted a powerful formula for growth: increase your traffic by 25%, boost your conversions by 25%, and raise the lifetime value or average ticket of each customer by 25%. This strategic combination has the potential to transform your business and elevate your success to new heights.

But don’t just take our word for it—see for yourself!

Use our interactive calculator to plug in your current numbers and witness the potential impact of the BLG 25% Rule on your business.

Take the first step towards unprecedented growth and let us show you how doubling your business in 12 months is within reach.

Here’s How It Works:

Increase Traffic

More traffic means more potential customers. Our targeted strategies ensure that the right people are visiting your website, leading to a significant increase in high-quality leads.

Boost Conversions

It’s not just about getting more visitors; it’s about turning them into paying customers. With optimized lead generation and a seamless customer journey, we’ll help you convert more prospects into loyal clients.

Raise Lifetime Value

The secret to sustainable growth lies in maximizing the value of each customer. By implementing smart upselling techniques and potentially increasing pricing, we’ll increase the average ticket size and customer lifetime value.

The BestLyfe Group Approach

Every step requires dedicated time, focus, and meticulous attention. Let’s be real—ignoring or half-heartedly approaching any of these will put you at a significant disadvantage against a competitor who takes them seriously. And let’s face it, if you’re this far down the page, you’re intrigued. 😉


We start by understanding your brand’s core values, mission, and unique selling points. This forms the bedrock of all our marketing efforts. We also dive deep into customer analysis to identify and understand your ideal customers.

Who are they? What do they need? How do they make decisions? By answering these questions, we ensure that every marketing move we make resonates with your target audience.

Lead and Customer Journey Optimization

Next, we focus on optimizing the journey your customers take from discovering your brand to becoming loyal advocates. This involves refining your website’s user experience, streamlining lead capture processes, and automating follow-ups to ensure no potential customer falls through the cracks. We make sure every touchpoint is smooth, engaging, and effective.


To grow your business, you need a steady stream of visitors. We employ a balanced mix of paid advertising and organic strategies to drive traffic to your site. Our Agency in Atlanta specializes in creating effective campaigns that combine both paid and organic strategies.

Our paid strategies include targeted ads on platforms where your audience spends their time, while our organic efforts focus on SEO, content marketing, and social media engagement to attract and retain visitors naturally.

Optimization and Scaling

Once the foundation is set and traffic is flowing, we continuously monitor and optimize all aspects of your marketing efforts. This includes A/B testing, performance analysis, and making data-driven adjustments to improve results.

As we fine-tune what works best, we help you scale these efforts to drive even greater growth and success. With our expertise as an SEO Agency in Atlanta, we ensure your business achieves its full potential.

Atlanta Marketing Agency

Our SEO Success in Numbers

We don’t like to brag (okay, maybe just a little), but the numbers speak for themselves. Our clients are living their BestLyfe, and here’s why:


Average Increase In Traffic


Keywords on Page 1 of Google


Increase in Conversions with SXO

If You Work With Us You Will Grow

Ryan Miller | PlayGround Games

Ryan Miller, owner of PlayGround Games in Chicago, shares his firsthand experience with BestLyfe Group as a Premier Partner. Through Ryan's membership he received custom website development, SEO, paid Ads management through Google and Facebook, reputation management services with automated Google review requests, on-site operational training, access to the BestLyfe Group Mastermind Summit, and much more.

Billy F. | B & L Enterprises

When we first met B & L Enterprises, they were chugging along at $600,000 in annual revenue but had their sights set on the elusive $1,000,000 mark. The problem? They had no idea how to bridge that gap. Enter BestLyfe Group, stage left. We whipped up a marketing plan so robust it could bench press a truck: revamped their website, improved their offer, did some SEO magic, created money-minting Google Ads, and ran Facebook retargeting campaigns like pros.

With our strategy in place, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work. We helped Billy and his team carve out clear job roles, understand their numbers like a tax-season accountant, set KPIs that actually meant something, and mapped out quarterly growth plans.

Fast forward three years, and B & L Enterprises didn’t just hit $1,000,000—they soared to $2,000,000. Billy? He’s now the proud owner of a stress-free, thriving business. More family time, more vacations, and he’s finally enjoying the fruits of all that hard work. Because, let’s face it, what’s the point of success if you can’t kick back and relax?

Ismael C. | PW630

Ismael with PW630 was stuck in a rut:He wanted to double his revenue, boost profitability, and stop spending his life commuting 1.5 hours each way to the office. Burned out from being too involved in an overcomplicated business, he barely saw his kids, and even when he did, he was glued to his work. Despite having the inventory and market potential, he couldn’t get past $350,000.

Enter BestLyfe Group, the business saviors. We took over their marketing—website, SEO, Google, and Facebook ads—updated their offer and pricing, and provided a streamlined operational blueprint. One of our genius moves was offering free delivery while increasing prices across the board, ensuring they didn’t lose out on profit. This trick not only boosted online conversion rates but also concentrated orders in targeted areas.

Streamlining the inventory simplified training for his small team, meaning Ismael didn’t have to schlep to the office 1.5 hours away. The result? In just one year, his company soared to nearly $700,000. Ismael took four family vacations, and at one point, didn’t step into the office for 40 days because it was running smoothly without him. He bought back his time, doubled his revenue, and stopped losing money with every sale. Shifting focus to a new target customer transformed his business completely.

Now, Ismael is not just a businessman—he’s a family man who actually enjoys the fruits of his labor. And isn’t that the dream?

Adam N. | Southern Stoneworks

Adam from Southern Stoneworks wanted to boost revenue by 200% and fatten up his profit margins. The hitch? They were one of 30 countertop fabricators in the area, not to mention the big box retailers hogging the spotlight. Plus, Adam was already busy running another full-service construction company and couldn’t dedicate all his time to this business.

So, we swooped in with a plan. We took over their marketing—website, SEO, Google, and Facebook ads—updated their offer, developed a killer USP, and streamlined their online quote request process so customers could book without talking to anyone. We crafted a USP that made competitors look like yesterday’s news, created engaging videos of Adam highlighting the Southern Stoneworks difference, and made online booking a breeze.

The result? They increased lead generation by a whopping 400% and revenue shot up by 220% in just one year. Now, they’ve got money in the bank, are paying off their initial capital investor, and are more profitable than ever. Adam can focus on his construction company without worrying about Southern Stoneworks, which is now a well-oiled, money-making machine.

Our Commitment to Excellence and Trust

Mutually-Beneficial Relationships

As a business owner, you know the importance of building strong, reliable relationships—yet finding partners who truly understand your vision can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. At BestLyfe Group, we’re all about creating meaningful connections and partnerships that are a win-win-win. A win for you, ensuring your goals and needs are met with precision and care. A win for those you serve, as our collaborative efforts enhance the value you deliver to your clients. And a win for our team at BLG, as we thrive on fostering successful, mutually beneficial relationships. With us, you gain a partner who is as invested in your success as you are.

Commitment and Accountability

We know that as a business owner, the frustration of unmet expectations and misaligned goals can be overwhelming. That’s why our core value of Commitment and Accountability ensures that we don’t just set goals; we make sure our efforts are directly in sync with your vision and standards. We take the time to truly understand your needs, setting clear, achievable objectives that align with your business aspirations. This means you get results that not only meet but exceed your expectations. Our dedicated approach ensures that your goals become our goals, giving you the confidence that your business is in capable, reliable hands.

Learning and Development

We know that as a business owner, you’re constantly bombarded with challenges and the pressure to stay ahead of the competition can feel relentless. That’s why our commitment to Learning and Development is your secret weapon. We bring you the most innovative and effective solutions, designed to tackle your toughest problems head-on. Our dedication to continuous improvement and staying at the forefront of industry trends means we’re always one step ahead, so you can be too. By constantly expanding our knowledge and skills, we offer cutting-edge strategies and technologies that drive your success, ensuring you’re not just surviving, but thriving in an ever-evolving marketplace.

Excellence in All We Do

We understand the sleepless nights and relentless stress that come with running a business. You’re juggling endless responsibilities, and the pressure to meet high standards can be overwhelming. That’s why our core value, Excellence in all we do, is more than just a slogan—it’s a promise. We provide services that consistently meet and exceed your exacting standards, without compromise. We know you can’t afford to settle for anything less than the best, and we’re here to ensure you don’t have to. Our meticulous attention to detail and relentless pursuit of quality mean you can finally breathe easier, knowing your business is in expert hands. We’re committed to delivering outstanding results, so you can focus on what you do best: growing your business.

Performance Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Every customer gets a positive return on their investment. If we don’t deliver, you don’t pay. That’s it!

No client (past or present) has ever walked away without seeing a return on their investment.

You Have a Choice  To Make

Running a business is tough, and it’s easy to feel stuck. You have two paths ahead: one leads to growth and balance, the other keeps you in the same stressful cycle. Which will you choose?



Investment Starts At:

$1,500 / mo

What You’ll Get:

  • Build a Magnetic Brand and Get to Know Your Ideal Customer.
  • Streamline and Enhance Customer Experience for More Conversions.
  • Drive More Qualified Leads and Revenue.
  • Ongoing Optimizations and New Campaigns For Consistent New Leads.

If you’re serious about growth, pick this one 😉

Apply Now & Get Started Today

Let's Connect


Stay Where You Are

Investment Starts At:

Time, Sanity, Stress, & Wasted Opportunity

What You’ll Face:

  • Continued frustration and burnout from handling everything alone.
  • Inconsistent branding and ineffective marketing efforts.
  • Missed chances to grow your business.
  • Ongoing stress, uncertainty, and not fulfilling your business’s potential.

If you choose this option, at the very least…


Find A Therapist

We won’t pressure you…

Your Business. Your Goals. Your Choice. What's Next?


Never Worry About Sustainable Growth Again



Initial Discovery

We’ll start with a relaxed conversation to get to know your business, your personal goals, and the challenges you’re facing. This helps us understand where you’re coming from and what you want to achieve.

Deep Dive Analysis

Next, we’ll take a close look at your brand, your ideal customers, and your current marketing efforts. We’ll figure out what’s working, what’s not, and where there’s room to grow.

Tailored Strategy Presentation

Then, after consulting with our team we’ll walk you through our recommendations, showing you exactly how we’ll tackle your specific needs and help your business thrive.

Pricing, Expected ROI, & Decision Making Support

Finally, we’ll lay out a clear plan for putting everything into action. We’ll answer all your questions and talk through the next steps, timelines, and how we’ll work together to reach your goals. You’ll have everything you need to make an informed decision.


How much will SEO cost?

So, what’s the damage going to be? Small business owners often worry about the costs associated with SEO and working with an agency. They want to know if they’ll need to pawn the office coffee machine or if their budget can comfortably handle it. At BestLyfe Group, we offer transparent pricing and work with you to create a budget that aligns with your goals without giving you a financial heart attack. We believe in providing value, not just services, so every dollar you spend is strategically invested to yield maximum returns. Our fees cover a range of services from keyword research to on-page optimization and content creation, ensuring a comprehensive approach that fits your financial comfort zone.

How long before I see results from SEO?

Will I need to grow a beard while I wait? Business owners are eager to see the fruits of their SEO investment. They frequently ask how quickly they can expect to see improvements in their rankings and traffic. While SEO is more of a marathon than a sprint, we keep you updated every step of the way so you won’t feel like you’re waiting for the paint to dry. Typically, you might start seeing some positive changes in a few weeks and months, but substantial results usually take 6 months or more. We focus on building a strong foundation and making continuous improvements, ensuring that your gains are sustainable and not just quick fixes.

How will you track and report the performance of my SEO?

Will I need a secret decoder ring to understand the reports? Understanding how performance is tracked and reported is a major concern. Business owners want to ensure they’ll receive clear, detailed reports on their campaign’s progress, without needing an advanced degree in data science. At BestLyfe Group, we provide straightforward, easy-to-digest reports that highlight key metrics and insights, so you always know what’s happening. Our reports include metrics like organic traffic, keyword rankings, click-through rates, and conversion rates. We also offer insights and recommendations to keep your campaign on track and continually improving.

What makes your SEO Agency different?

Why should I pick you over the gazillion other agencies out there? With numerous agencies offering similar services, small business owners often ask what sets a particular agency apart. They want to know why they should choose you instead of the next agency that promises the moon. At BestLyfe Group, our unique blend of SEO and SXO, combined with our core value of Excellence in All We Do, ensures we don’t just get you seen—we get you results. Our approach includes deep-dive analysis into what drives your revenue, meticulous technical optimization, captivating content creation, and robust off-page strategies.

Most agencies only focus on the 1 or 2 types of SEO (technical, on-page, or off-page) they are good at. Leaving you with subpar results, which is also why they charge less in most cases. If your time and investment are important to you, choose the best option for your success.

Plus, our sense of humor and dedication to your success make the journey enjoyable. We’re not just another agency; we’re your partner in growth, committed to making your business shine.